Where Murder and Family Meet

Podcast Episodes

Posts in Assassins
Episode 28: The Lone Shooter

At 12:30 p.m. on November 22, 1963, as people lined the streets of Elm Street in Dallas, Texas to watch the presidential motorcade drive by, shots rang out. Shots that would kill the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Who could possibly do this to a beloved president and a new Camelot? Before the day was up, the world would know the answer, the lone shooter was Lee Harvey Oswald. 48 hours after the death of Kennedy, Oswald would be shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

But who was Oswald? In this episode, we explore what is known about the events leading up to the assassination of Kennedy and Oswald himself. Then, we go one step further. We discuss his fascinating family tree, including his French, German, and Dutch roots, a family history of slavery, and much more.

Listen to The Lone Shooter to learn more about Lee Harvey Oswald and his genealogy. Then, we’d appreciate it if you leave us a rating, review, and subscribe to the podcast.

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