Episode 9: Jim Jones, Part 1
IMAGE ATTRIBUTION: Jonestown Institute
On November 19, 1978, news traveled across the United States about the ambush, the day before, of U. S. Representative for California, Leo Ryan, and those traveling with him at a Guyana airport. The news was startling. Ryan had come to Guyana to investigate a compound created by Reverend Jim Jones called Jonestown. Then, he left to return home, this time with some Jonestown residents who wanted to return with him to California. But Ryan never returned home. He died on the airstrip where he was attacked. Then, the next day, the news shocked the world when it was learned that the people of Jonestown were part of a mass suicide with over 300 dead. As the week progressed, the body count grew. Over 900 dead. Jim Jones was behind it all.
In part one, listen as we describe who Jim Jones was and the events that led to that day on November 18, 1978 that where everyone drank the Kool-Aid and then begin our exploration into his family tree. On this episode, we even reveal a connection to the Black Dahlia.